The challenge: technological enablement, efficiency, productivity and security

Being one of the main economic groups in Ecuador, the route marked by an initial technological enablement process became unavoidable for Corporación El Rosado. The holding company, which brings together around 3,000 workers, had considered the need to make efforts in terms of efficiency, collaboration and productivity, as well as technology and management of a cloud platform and infrastructure. In this sense, Ángel Elizalde, Head of Applications and Office Support at Corporación El Rosado, points out: “We came with an on-premise implementation of Microsoft Exchange and we used Office, POP emails or IMAP. However, we wanted a tool that was in the cloud. Because? We had link and platform problems. From this arose the need to look for a tool that allows us to work and collaborate online. G Suite was the tool we adopted.”

With the previous provider, despite the fact that El Rosado had a good control policy, RBL (spam blacklist) problems constantly occurred, which led to the sent emails ending up in the recipients' spam box. An additional problem was data availability. In contrast, G Suite is in the cloud, regardless of the hardware, operating system or platform that maintains it. “That has given us a fairly big boost because we have separated ourselves from the administration of that architecture and that infrastructure. Now we are more dedicated to controlling the platform and nothing more,” highlights Elizalde.

That's how El Rosado went to Xertica. The challenge? Help the organization improve the effectiveness of its communications using G Suite and through innovative solutions. Thus, the implementation of the G Suite application access service began for a total of 1,500 users (1,150 Basic and 350 Business).

Effective communication and security

The initial step for El Rosado was to improve the quality of communication and collaboration within the organization. This is taking as a reference that limiting the sending of communications only to email or physical media implies an effectiveness of less than 50%. In this sense, the following progress was achieved:

- Improve the effectiveness of communication through new communication channels.

- Achieve direct and effective communication with interest groups, without the need to incur high costs using new tools.

- Enable feedback mechanisms by the recipients of the information in relation to the messages sent through these channels.

- Facilitate access and opportunity to information, thus reducing costs associated with communication processes.

- Reduce the consumption of paper used in corporate communications.

Certainly, the adoption of G Suite flowed smoothly as a large percentage of El Rosado's collaborators already had experience as a Google user. As Ángel Elizalde says: “Who doesn't know Gmail? Everyone".

As El Rosado is a large company with a daily flow of information now located in the Google cloud, the IT team's concern is framed in the need for a high-standard security platform. In this regard, Xertica took on the task of helping the organization reduce computer security risks and take full care of its assets throughout the organization.

Based on an initial diagnosis, Xertica identified three assets to protect: information, infrastructure and users. Threats: theft or deletion of valuable information, identity theft, scams, financial losses, viruses or malware, spam and phishing.

Communication and infrastructure benefits

E“(Thanks to the adoption of G Suite), all our areas are connected, they do not have the need - as we worked before - to go to the office to be able to use their email. Adopting these tools has given us a lot of openness so that our collaborators are enabled to work from home,” says Elizalde.

Regarding the benefits of technology, he adds: “The main benefit for me as an administrator is being able to provide a 24/7 service, with quite clear SLA (Service Level Agreement) to my users; make office tools, online collaboration, communications and email available to all of them and that this strengthens other company processes such as billing, dispatch, warehouses, among others.”

Adoption metrics during March 2020

- 84.8% Gmail adoption.

- 3,806 files shared with external users.

- 55,558 files shared with internal users.

- 8,968 emails sent from Gmail.

- 39,316 emails received in Gmail.

- 1,022,139 MB in files stored in Drive.

- 9,944,825 MB in files stored in Gmail.