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Socioeconomic Development

The Socioeconomic Development Accelerator is a technological solution that uses mapping data and public information to identify and analyze urban areas and their essential infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals and other sectors. Based on geolocation and artificial intelligence (GeoAI), its objective is to promote local socioeconomic development, attracting new investments and creating policies for the generation of employment and income, with applications in the public and private sector, for example:

  • Urban Occupation: Identifies areas of urban occupation and maps essential infrastructure services.
  • Cartographic Data: It uses map data and information from public bodies to provide insights.
  • Essential Infrastructure: Mapping of schools, hospitals, public transportation and other essential services.
  • Decision making: Provides detailed analyzes on urban areas to facilitate strategic decisions.
  • Promotion of Sustainability: Identify sustainable practices for responsible economic growth.
  • Local Development Index: Creates an index to evaluate and monitor the impact of development in an area, considering the installation of new ventures and the subsequent creation of infrastructure and businesses.

With data from satellite sources and socioeconomic data, it is possible to enrich the information with population data at the census sector level, which allows a more detailed analysis of the project data, such as the number of homes per neighborhood, schools, hospitals, etc In addition, the data is also

Socioeconomic Development