National University of San Agustín (UNSA)

National University of San Agustín (UNSA)

UNSA had Moodle, a learning management system that the university uses to create online teaching spaces and manage, distribute and control all non-face-to-face training activities. This system was hosted in the DigitalOcean cloud, a provider that had space and flexibility limitations, limitations that became critical in the context of the pandemic.

A load balancer was offered via Cloud Load Balancing, which was the front-end where the students made all the requests. The backend was made up of virtual machines that sped up and scaled on demand as the balancer intelligently routed traffic. With Filestore, to share files and a separate database with CloudSQL as a separate database. Through Memory Store, a session caching service to speed up resource consumption of the new infrastructure.

The migration to GCP has offered UNSA a cloud provider that, through an architecture designed by its students (around 27,000 students) remotely and maintain the university's activities even in the current pandemic context.

With the new infrastructure based on GCP, UNSA will be able to continue with the growth that the organization projects. The elasticity of the new architecture will allow UNSA to raise and lower resources as the university integrates more students into its community.